Event ID: Discount Day
083120115001 -> 08-31-2011-50-01-> relate to date, price of ticket, what customer of the day they are -> apply to sale records and database of the amusement park
Data -> Information -> Knowledge -> Wisdom
Person ID:
SL02131991A -> SL-02-13-1991-A -> relates that the ticket is for Sunshine Land, what the customer's birthday is, and their first initial -> apply to customer records, amusement park database, and sales records
Data -> Information -> Knowledge -> Wisdom
Product/Service ID:
100BLUE01 -> 100-Blue-01 -> relates to the price of the ticket, the color of the ticket for that day, what customer of the day they are -> apply it to amusement park database and the sales records
Data -> Information -> Knowledge -> Wisdom
The event data can be collected when each customer buys a ticket. The ID number shows what number customer they are, the date, and the price of the ticket. The customer data can be tracked by when they bought a ticket. They would give their ID number to buy a ticket. Their ID number will consist of Sunshine Land's initials, the customer's birth date, and their first initial. For the product, which are the tickets for the different rides, it'll be tracked by an ID number that will consist of the price of one ticket and the color of that ticket for the day.
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